26 de março de 2007

Raman spectroscopy of diamond and doped diamond

The optimization of diamond films as valuable engineering materials for a wide variety of applications has required the development of robust methods for their characterization. Of the many methods used, Raman microscopy is perhaps the most valuable because it provides readily distinguishable signatures of each of the different forms of carbon (e.g. diamond, graphite, buckyballs). In addition it is non-destructive, requires little or no specimen preparation, is performed in air and can produce spatially resolved maps of the different forms of carbon within a specimen. This article begins by reviewing the strengths (and some of the pitfalls) of the Raman technique for the analysis of diamond and diamond films and surveys some of the latest developments (for example, surface-enhanced Raman and ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy) which hold the promise of providing a more profound understanding of the outstanding properties of these materials. The remainder of the article is devoted to the uses of Raman spectroscopy in diamond science and technology. Topics covered include using Raman spectroscopy to assess stress, crystalline perfection, phase purity, crystallite size, point defects and doping in diamond and diamond films.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
ISSN: 1364-503X (Paper) 1471-2962 (Online)
Issue: Volume 362, Number 1824 / November 15, 2004
Pages: 2537 - 2565
DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2004.1451

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