26 de março de 2007

Raman spectroscopy of diamond and doped diamond

The optimization of diamond films as valuable engineering materials for a wide variety of applications has required the development of robust methods for their characterization. Of the many methods used, Raman microscopy is perhaps the most valuable because it provides readily distinguishable signatures of each of the different forms of carbon (e.g. diamond, graphite, buckyballs). In addition it is non-destructive, requires little or no specimen preparation, is performed in air and can produce spatially resolved maps of the different forms of carbon within a specimen. This article begins by reviewing the strengths (and some of the pitfalls) of the Raman technique for the analysis of diamond and diamond films and surveys some of the latest developments (for example, surface-enhanced Raman and ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy) which hold the promise of providing a more profound understanding of the outstanding properties of these materials. The remainder of the article is devoted to the uses of Raman spectroscopy in diamond science and technology. Topics covered include using Raman spectroscopy to assess stress, crystalline perfection, phase purity, crystallite size, point defects and doping in diamond and diamond films.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
ISSN: 1364-503X (Paper) 1471-2962 (Online)
Issue: Volume 362, Number 1824 / November 15, 2004
Pages: 2537 - 2565
DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2004.1451

23 de março de 2007

Polymer artificial muscle technologies are being developed using materials such as elastomers, ionically conducting polymers, and carbon nanotubes.

Artigo aqui

Novo jornal online de nanotecnologia está disponível - International Council on Nanotechnology - Virtual Journal

The Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology Environment, Health and Safety
The Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology Environment, Health & Safety is a monthly journal that contains citations and links to articles that have appeared in a variety of traditional journals and that are related to the environment and health impacts of nanotechnology, with a particular emphasis on nanomaterials. VJ-NanoEHS organizes information contained in ICON’s EHS Database into a reader-friendly monthly journal format. For a limited time you may still access the old portal into the EHS Database here. The articles listed in each monthly issue primarily have been published during that month, but older ones may be included at the discretion of the editor. Special features to look for in the future include a rotating guest editorship and a series of Occasional Papers on topics of interest taken from the contents of the database.

21 de março de 2007

Molecular Imprints, Inc. Home Page

Nano scientists to develop next-generation LEDs from PhysOrg.com

Nanotechnology may unlock the secret for creating highly efficient next-generation LED lighting systems, and exploring its potential is the aim of several projects centered at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


18 de março de 2007


O projeto do Nanospyder é resultado do trabalho dos desenhistas Patrick Faulwetter, Daniel Simon e Ian Hilton. O conceito participará do tradicional concurso de design do Salão do Automóvel de Los Angeles, nos EUA, que abre começa no próximo dia 30.
Segundo os idealizadores do carro futurista, ele seria composto por uma rede com bilhões de nano dispositivos programáveis, que teriam um tamanho equivalente a metade de um milímetro.
Com isso o carro poderia mudar de forma e densidade, se adaptando às necessidades do motorista e condições do ambiente.


ciencia: Improved human = Those structured with nanotubes,instead with simple Carbon.

Humanos mejorados - Los ensamblados con nanotubos, en lugar de Carbono simple.

Como todos saben, los sables curvos, fuertes, flexibles y agudos, empleados por los musulmanes en las cruzadas, han sido difíciles de reproducir a la fecha. Meter Paufler, analista alemán de la Universidad Técnica de Dresden y colegas, empleando un microscopio de transmision electrónica han determinado que lo sables de Damasco están constituidos por nanotubos de Carbono ©. Los nanotubos son nanocapas de grafito arrolladas sobre si mismas, dejando entrever espacios cuadriculados caracteristicos. Analizando una muestra muy delgada de acero de un sable hecho por Assad Ullah (fabricante irani), observaron en ella arreglos cilindricos de atomos de C, en forma de nanotubos y nanoalambres de cementita (compuesto de Hierro/C, extremadamente resistente), también conformado por nanotubos. Estos nanoalambres dan a los sables de Damasco el tipico patrón de bandas de tela de aguas (tul). Se sabe que los fabricantes, emplearon pedazos especiales de acero con alto contenido en C (wootz, incorporando madera y otro material orgánico durante la fabricación), procedentes de la India con hierro que contenia vanadio y otras impurezas. Paufler dice que el vanadio y las impurezas catalizaron la formación de nanotubos durante el calentamiento y recalentamiento del material. Según el futurista R. Kurweil en el futuro existirán “humanos mejorados”, en base a chips estructurados con nanotubos introducidos en sus cerebros y somas. Por de pronto : Cherurkuri P., Gannon CJ, Leeuw TK et al, del Laboratorio de Nanotecnologia del Instituto Smalley y el Centro para Nanotecnologia Biológica y Medioambiental, de la Universidad de Rice, han administrado exitosamente nanotubos por via intravenosa a conejos, los mismos que fueron rastreados mediante fluorescencia intrinseca cercana al infrarrojo. De momento se intuyen aplicaciones farmacéuticas, para los nanotubos

ciencia: Improved human = Those structured with nanotubes,instead with simple Carbon.

A Arte da Fuga: Nanotecnologia

A microscopic version of Rodin's famed sculpture "The Thinker" is just about twice the size of a red blood cell at 20 millionths of a meter high.Credit: Dong-Yol Yang et al., Applied Physics Letters

A Arte da Fuga: Nanotecnologia

17 de março de 2007

Nanoworlds - nanopedia

Un curso on-line de Nanotecnologia:

Nanoworlds - nanopedia

Underlying the Nanoworlds Learning Resource is Nanopedia, The Web Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology. On the one hand, Nanoworlds provides learning modules for formal education; on the other, Nanopedia is a searchable knowledge base. You are now located at the entry point, or root, of Nanopedia. From here, it branches out in four directions: the science of the Nanoscale, Nanoengineering, the impact of nanotechnology on Society and Applications, and the Future of Nanotechnology as depicted in art, fiction and earnest speculation. Pick from one of the four broad categories below or click NEXT to read an overview of nanocience and technology.